Shape the future you envision

through your personalised
Sticitt Wallet.

Unlock your child’s potential by shaping their every interaction with money and forming healthy habits that will drive their future success.

Is your child ready for the future of digital money?

See how Sticitt sets them up for success.

Every interaction your child has with money will directly shape their financial success later in life.

Children learn from doing. You significantly increase their chances of success by teaching them to interact with money in the same way they will as adults and shaping their behaviour to form healthy habits.

We’ve built a platform to help you do just that:

shape their money behaviour.

Our child-friendly Mastercard is a tailored answer to the challenges of parenting. With it, you can enjoy watching your child thrive, learn essential life skills at their own pace, and experience Premium Parenting.

What parents say

Feeling inspired? So are we.

Get started in 3 simple steps


Sign-up now

Access our user-friendly dashboard for effortless management of your child's finances and tuckshop expenses if your school uses Sticitt payments.


Upgrade to Premium

Unlock engaging teaching tools tailored to your child's needs, empowering them with valuable money habits.


Order a Sticitt Mastercard

Empower your child to spend wisely anywhere they go with our child-friendly Mastercard. Alternatively, limit their spending to the school tuckshop using the convenient tap-to-pay Sticitt card or wristband for any of our Sticitt payment schools.

462 750

Learners reached

166 656

Parents reached

School payments have never been so easy.

Sticitt allows parents to make all school payments conveniently from one wallet.

Parents are also given access to pre-loaded tap-to-pay cards or wristbands for children who need to buy lunch at the school tuckshop without a cell phone.

Sticitt Blog

Crafting success stories

Why schools should care about Financial Literacy

I learned about money from my dad. He taught me to have an entrepreneurial mindset from an early age. He…


Why teaching about cash may be hurting your child’s financial future.

Tell me if this sounds familiar: You gather all your children together to teach them about money. When they finally stop squirming and pay attention you...


More ways to fundraise

One of the many things I love about us South Africans is our ability to thrive in adversity. We have this innate ability...


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