Teaching your children about money | PART II

How do you build towards a better future? Does dedication structure a better tomorrow? Are we living in a fast-money world? How to teach my children about money? All relevant questions that you’ve been asking since your child came into existence. Sticitt is designed to be Parents’ secret weapon, to help build your child’s financial educational future. 

Parents, we know you want the best for your child. We understand that one of the biggest gifts that you can give to your child is embedding responsible money habits that will last a lifetime. This is not intended for financial pleasure or having the best of the best, but assuring that your child’s foundation is laid and that they would have the opportunity to build upon a safe and secure platform. Sticitt is here to highlight the importance that all children should be educated at an early age to manage and save money, develop independence, and understand and implement decision-making control. What will your search be to secure your child’s financial education?

It is never too early |  to teach your children to value money, form winning habits, and become forward-thinkers. 

The earlier you start the foundation of your child’s financial education, the better. The foundation’s effectiveness begins once you teach your child how to spend responsibly. Guiding your child to implement smart financial decisions and telling them that “money matters matter”. These money habits and attitudes toward money are grasped by identifying the value difference between notes and coins. Assuring that your child understands the value of money, forms winning habits, and simultaneously becomes forward-thinking. This allows your child’s mind to influence the way they approach complex problems and decisions. Formulating an effective financial education platform for your child from a young age, impacting the financial decisions that your child will make as an adult.

Parents teach your children about |  budgeting, needs, wants, impulse control and delayed gratification

Introducing the value of money to your child from a young age also allows your child to grasp and recognise complex functions such as planning, delaying a decision until later and understanding that some choices are irreversible. The importance lies in practically implementing and assuring that your child has grasped the value of money, so…

  • Teach your child the value of money: Teach your child that money is acquired, allowing your child to understand that money should be earned through chores and allowances.
  • Instil a habit of saving and introducing that money can grow: Get your child a piggy bank or open a bank account in their name encouraging them to save their pocket money for significant investments. 
  • Help your child to learn to make smart spending decisions: Allow your child to learn from your daily experiences like taking them with you on grocery shopping trips. Teach them about budgeting and how you spend your money to uphold your household.
  • Allow your child to think and decide for themselves: Allow your child to also make their own financial decisions learning from their success or failures, to improve in the future.
  • Introduce bill payments to your child: Make them understand why it is necessary to close the tap whilst brushing their teeth, teaching them to be more mindful of future expenses.

Help them make “cents” | of personal money, giving them a firm financial foundation.

Building a firm financial foundation for your child starts with a good and bad money habits. Helping your child makes “cents” of money is structured from the basic approaches and skills which you model, discuss and demonstrate. You are likely to be the influential levers, instilling efficient habits and practices. Sticitt believes that once you commit to helping structure your child’s financial foundation through reflecting on your past and self-regulation can make a tremendous difference in prompting good financial behaviours in your child’s future.

Let us build a better future together | and invest in equipping future generations.

There’s joy in the fact that young children are spontaneous and live life at the moment, unfettered by adult problems. But teaching children about money when they are young is a good way for you to help them learn to manage and save money, develop independence, and understand and implement decision-making control, teaching them about inhibition and self-discipline. 

Parents, Sticitt needs you to recognise the value of teaching your children about money. We are here to support and back you to act with confidence and back your parenting. Knowing that you only want the best for your child, Sticitt wants to be your secret weapon to help build your child’s financial educational future.

We have one question for you… Are you teaching your child key lessons that will impact their financial futures for the greater good? 

Sticitt Educational Money |  Money made personal 

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