Sticitt success | By taking hands as partners, a better future can be built

Over the past five years, Sticitt has grown beyond recognition. Gone are the days of working with a handful of schools in Pretoria East, we now have over 900 schools in every region of South Africa. We are no longer a small team running around filling five seats each, but rather a diverse ecosystem of specialists, depending on each other to passionately solve problems for our customers. Instead of celebrating every Rand, we process, we now celebrate every 100 million that runs through our system. But amidst all this change, some things will always stay the same…

When lockdown hit, our company, like so many others, was brought to a standstill. But instead of sitting idly by and bemoaning our fate, we reached out to our partners who were even worse off than us. Extending a hand where we can to stand by those we promised to serve. One such case was Taffa’s famous coffee truck, beloved by parents needing an urgent caffeine boost on their morning school runs. By helping Taffa sell vouchers and limited-edition coffee cups during the lockdown, we did our part in ensuring he’s still around when things returned to a semblance of normality.

And still, this relationship continues to this day. We still proudly partner with Taffa on events. If we can stick together we believe we are unstoppable. No matter how big or small, every merchant, parent, child, or school is vital in building the future we collectively strive towards. Despite our success and growth, we still value each individual who makes up our payment ecosystem in the school environment.

We love driving change and building a better tomorrow, but some things we believe should stay the same.